I'm very pleased to say I shall be participating in Northants Open Studios and Rutland Open Studios this year. My opening weekends will be September 9/10th, 16/17th and 23/24th from 10am to 4pm. Venue: 8 Northfield Road, Blaby, Leicestershire LE8 4GU. I will also have work on display at the NOS Central Exhibition which is to be held at Lamport Hall, Lamport, Northamptonshire, NN6 9EZ. https://northantsopenstudios.co.uk/
#northantsos #rutlandopenstudios #openstudios #art #artist #mixedmedia #leicestershireartist #vessels #assemblage #handmadepaper #upcycle #reuse #seektheunique #odditiesandcuriosities #lamporthall
