I'm pleased to say I will have work on display in the Northants Open Studios Spring Open Exhibition 2023. It's to be held at Lamport Hall, Carriage House, on the weekends of 11/12th and 18th/19th February . There will be a wide variety of work from professional and emerging artists from across the region. The exhibition coincides with Lamport Hall's Annual Snowdrop Walk around their grounds. Sounds like a delightful day out!
Visitor entry to the exhibition is free. There will be a small charge to access the gardens and the Snowdrop Walk - see www.lamporthall..co.uk
Lamport Hall, Lamport, Northamptonshire NN6 9HD. Tel 01604 686272
#northantsos #lamporthall #mixedmedia #mixedmediaartist #art #artstyles #exhibition #snowdrops #snowdropseason #historichouse #historichouses #springopenexhibition
